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Monday, March 17, 2025
8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Jake Wolf Memorial Fish Hatchery
25410 Fish Hatchery Rd
, Topeka, IL 61567


We will be clipping 100,000+ brown trout and need 46 volunteers! Email and we'll put you in touch with organizer John Ohl.

The Department of Natural Resources relies on volunteers each year to fin clip young salmon so when they mature and are caught, data is gathered to learn about the Lake Michigan salmon habits and migration patterns.

A grant provided by the State of Illinois, allows volunteers of SU Illinois to travel to the Jake Wolfe hatchery facilities in Topeka, Illinois to clip fish as part of a multi-state tagging and tracking program.  Salmon unlimited has participated in this event annually after the hatchery opened in 1983.

Volunteers drive down on Sunday and stay overnight at the Baymont Inn Suites.  The drive takes about 3 hours.  On Monday morning, you drive to the hatchery where you assist the DNR in fin clipping fish with the return trip back the same day.  Carpooling, hotel accommodations and food are provided for all volunteers.

It takes many volunteers for this event.   So, bring a friend, a neighbor, your son, daughter or grandkids and have some fun with great camaraderie!

2023 Fin Clip

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